Tuesday, June 23, 2009

New Introductions

Hello everyone! My name is Philicia, and I’m the new intern at cmarchuska. I’ll be working with Christine for two months in the city, as part of the Cornell Urban Summer program.

This past month I’ve gotten the chance to see so much- apart from familiarizing myself with the garment district, running between the tailor and Christine’s new showroom: The greenshowroom NYC; I’ve had the opportunity to meet with many of Christine’s friends in the fashion realm at trunk shows and events.  There are numerous projects in July, one fashion show in D.C. and the other in New York. Also, we got our first order at Montmarte, as we celebrate our first breakaway from eco-friendly boutique stores to the mainstream high-end market!

In addition to all this, it has been a great experience learning the art of marketing and pr-related work online to help promote the amazing cmarchuska line. I look forward to another fun-filled month with Christine. As Christine always says: “Don’t give up before the miracle happens!” I believe that the cmarchuska line will see its miracle in no time. :)

Friday, June 19, 2009

cmarchuska @ NYC Green Room Trunk Show on 24th June

Hark all thee earth-friendly fashionistas!

The Green Room, cmarchuska's official showroom on the East coast, is having a trunk show this Wednesday, the 24th. And yes, you guessed it, among the fantastic selection of trend savvy eco designers you will find our very own cmarchuska collection at special prices.

So mark this day in your iphone/blackberry/google calendar or little classic notebook, and see ya there!

Friday, June 5, 2009

What a night!

Thank you to everyone who came out last night to our fabulous eco trunk-show! Because of your green support - Kaight boutique was absolutely buzzing with the cmarchuska vibe. The rainbow of colours from the new super soft summer hunter scarves was definitely eye-catching and everyone wanted to wear one. The new cranberry hue Christine added to the palette had my thumbs up! The dresses and tees were a hit as usual as I heard many exclamations of "Oh this fabric is fantastic!"

Those delicious cuca fresca caipirinhas, shaken not stired by our bartender, had everyone chatting and having a good time... Your eavesdropping spy can also reveal to you this exciting exclusive news: cmarchuska will be using bamboo very soon to create an even greater variety of texture in those sustainable designs that you love!